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4X Games

Listen people.  Those 4 X’s are eXplore. eXpand, eXploit, and eXterminate.  That’s it, that’s why they are called 4X games.

You know what none of that stands for,  eXpeace, eXbuddies, eXhomies, eXdiplomacy…none of those fucking things.  IGN is upset about Stardrive 2 being about exterminating all of your enemies.

Get with the fucking program guys.

Just a Reminder…

Don’t buy the Order 1886.  It’s a bad game filled with bad game practices and fueled by an angry Dev dude who thinks we’re all idiots.

Don’t do it.  Be smart.  Spend the money on tacos, or hotdogs, or pizza, or something else.  Weed or something.  Get high and play COD instead.